About Me:

I am very excited about this time we are living in. Challenging times tend to be very potent. We find out who we truly are. The illusions that we have been living under become very obvious. We are able to see our lives in brand new perspectives that allow us to live authentically in ways we’ve never been able to before.

I teach tantra, meditation, yoga, and a grounded spirituality about life. I love expansive thought. But it has to actually help us in the downtimes… Or else it is likely not true at all.

My main websites are: katrinabos.ca & satyayogaacademy.org if you would like to find out more about my courses, books, Energy Grid Readings, and more.

So glad you’re here,
Katrina Bos

About this Newsletter

What you will receive:

  • New Videos: Recordings of live classes on Insight Timer which are uploaded to Youtube: 1-2 per week

  • New Articles: 1-2 per week

Free or Paid Subscriptions:

  • Free: One thing I love about Substack is that I can share all of this with you for free. It’s a chance for you to keep up to date with all the new content and it doesn’t have to cost anything.

  • Paid: But if you would like to support my work, there is a paid option as well. People have often asked me how they can contribute in some way so that I can keep writing and teaching free classes! So, there is also the option to upgrade to a paid subscription.

You will get the same content either way. It’s just a nice option to support my work.

How to Find Out More:

  • katrinabos.ca: This website hold all of my courses about tantra and spirituality. You can also sign up for Energy Grid readings and private consultations. Plus there are all the links to my books that are available in paperback, ebook, and audio online.

  • satyayogaacademy.org: Would you like to dive into a wonderful yoga practice? Here you can join me many times a week for live yoga, my Living Masters Yoga Teacher Training which runs once a year, and more.

Connect with me:

  • Insight Timer: This is an amazing app where I teach live almost every day of the week. I also have many meditations there that you can do anytime. It is free or you can have a monthly subscription and take courses there as well. All that I do there is available through the free account. CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT

  • Raising Vibrations: This is my personal online community where we share about the things that truly raise our vibrations: CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE

Share with your friends:

Please share anything you receive with friends and family who can use it. I believe that we are in an amazingly potent time of expansion and discovery. So, the more happy vibes we send out into the world, the more those ripples overlap and amazing things happen!

Thank you so much for being here,


Subscribe to Exploring Our Human Potential

Ponderings & Practical Ways to Expand the Joy in Our Lives


Katrina is the author of "Tantric Intimacy", "What if You Could Skip the Cancer", "You Don't Have to Eat the Eyeballs" and more. She teaches tantra, meditation, does Energy Grid Readings, and has a lot of fun!